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=> Rockets slam into Wolfowitz's hotel

Rockets slam into Wolfowitz's hotel
Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Sunday, October 26 2003, 1:09:37 (EST)
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Rockets slam into Wolfowitz's hotel
Sunday 26 October 2003, 8:31 Makka Time, 5:31 GMT

A barrage of rockets has hit the Baghdad hotel at which US assistant defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, has been staying.

A coalition official says Wolfowitz escaped uninjured when six to eight heavy rockets slammed into the Rashid Hotel at 0310 GMT on Sunday morning.

Reuters quotes a US military official as saying unconfirmed reports put the number of injured at 15. There have been no reports of deaths.

The Rashid Hotel is frequently used by American military personnel. Wolfowitz and other senior aides were staying on the 12th floor when the building was attacked.

Witnesses said Wolfowitz, a major force behind the Iraq war, looked composed as security forces led him away from the hotel.

The hotel is in an area sealed off with heavy security inside the main centre of coalition operations.

A senior defence official told reporters on the scene that according to security briefings, the rockets may have been set up on Saturday night and then remotely detonated the following morning.

Wolfowitz was paying his second visit to Iraq in three months and had stressed the need to speed up the formation of a new Iraqi army, police force, border guard and civil defence corps.

Three rockets, fired at the Rashid Hotel a month ago, hit the building but caused no injuries.

Aljazeera + Agencies


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