The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Some ideas about the fake.

Some ideas about the fake.
Posted by anon (Guest) - Thursday, January 8 2004, 11:42:34 (EST)
from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
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Fred/Farid, you're such a bitter person that it shows up in every post you write. Your jealousy of everyone who is even mildly happy with his/her existence has made your character so ugly that the person you refer to doesn't want to deal with you anymore. Nor do I. My posts were written to simply explain why neither her nor I [will] post here any longer.

You are SEVERELY delusional, to the point of psychosis. You attack your IDEAS of people, but you can not genuinely attack people for who they are because you do not know these people. You are harmless, except in your own mind. Furthermore, as an artist, you have no concept of detail, or you wouldn't caricature everyone you meet in the way that you do. You have nothing to offer to anyone because your hatred and jealousy have made you empty inside, rot festering more rot. Perhaps you have always been so.

It appears to be easy for you to cover up your psychosis for a short while, but it isn't so easy for you to cover up your true character for long. You can't even have an original thought, which you *claim* to have, because everything that you spit out on this forum is just a regurgitation of things that *many* other people write elsewhere & have written for several decades here in the States.

You're such a plastic fool.

I leave you with these thoughts. Go ahead. Respond. See if I or anyone cares. I have no respect for you or for anyone who listens to the ugly things that you say about other people that you "know."


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