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=> Supreme Court Rejects Muslim Charity's A

Supreme Court Rejects Muslim Charity's A
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Monday, March 1 2004, 11:50:49 (EST)
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*** Editorial Note: Motherfuckers. People always forget about Due Process.

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Supreme Court Rejects Muslim Charity's Appeal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) let stand on Monday a ruling that upheld the government's decision to freeze the assets of a Texas-based Muslim charity accused of funding a militant Palestinian group.

Without comment, the high court rejected an appeal by the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, headquartered in Richardson, Texas. The foundation, which called itself the largest U.S.-based Muslim charity, was shut down when the government seized its assets.

On Dec. 4, 2001, the Treasury Department (news - web sites) designated the charity a "terrorist" group and froze its assets because it said the foundation funneled millions of dollars to Hamas, a Palestinian group blamed for repeated attacks in Israel. The United States designated Hamas a "terrorist" group in 1995.

Holy Land Foundation challenged the freezing of its assets and the designation. It said it was not linked to Hamas and was not a terrorist organization.

But a federal judge and then a U.S. appeals court rejected the charity's arguments. The appeals court cited evidence the foundation operated as a fund-raiser for Hamas in the United States and that Hamas officials provided it with funds.

In appealing to the Supreme Court, the charity argued the Treasury Department's procedures violated its constitutional due process rights.

The foundation said the high court should determine the process that an agency must follow when it brands a charity a terrorist group, seizes its assets and puts it out of business. It said the government relied on eight unnamed FBI (news - web sites) informants.

The U.S. Justice Department (news - web sites) replied that the appeals court ruling was correct and review of the case by the Supreme Court was unwarranted.

The department said the high court in November rejected a similar appeal by Global Relief Foundation, an Illinois-based Muslim charity that challenged the government's freezing of its assets.


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