The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> That really hurts...

That really hurts...
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Wednesday, October 22 2003, 22:15:30 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
Website title:

Especially because I have thoroughly enjoyed every single poem that Warrior Empress, whomever she is, has posted on this forum.

This is just em-bare-ass-ing.

ALEX-with-too-much-time-on-his-hands wrote:
>Alexander, Alexander,
>the Greatest of then all
>What would we be without you?
>We'd just roll up like a ball
>And hope that your enlightenment
>would grant us light of day
>since you provide us with the reason
>To be merry and gay
>Without your greatness
>Without your Intelligence
>We'd fall through the cracks
>due to our own negligence
>You are our light
>You are our reason for living
>We want to provide you with
>all of our giving
>So we will collect
>many, many bowls to,
>fill with some nice, hot
>lentil soup just for you!

-- Jeff

The full topic:

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