The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> The Folks at AINA will disupte that....

The Folks at AINA will disupte that....
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Saturday, October 25 2003, 12:59:32 (EDT)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
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... for the simple reason that CHRISTIAN BOMBS never kill CHRISTIAN IRAQIS! Don't you know? They are "smart" bombs! If they see the cross around your neck, they go the other direction.

Tiglath wrote:
>It was our ancestors the Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians and yes even Arabs who laid the foundation for today's mathematics.
>This was way before Pythagorus plagiarised his so-called Theorem, after attending our University at Babylon, of course. Way before Galileo recreated the telescope, after our astrologers had used it to map the heavens.
>It was also our ancestors who devised the ZERO. The concept was unique in that it required them to symbolise something that they couldn't visualise, and used it in Mathematics.
>Today's Christian-Assyrian world claims that we have lost no people during this new war. They may even will claim that our people due to better economic conditions and our unique culture don't suffer as much as the Muslim-"Arabs" in Iraq.
>I beg to differ and think we should do some number crunching.
>If the Assyrian-Christian population in Iraq is 1,000,000 and the total population of Iraq is 23 million then basic mathematics will give us the following result.
>1 million divided by 23 million multiplied by Iraqbodycount,s minimum figure of 7757 gives us 337.
>Again 1 million divided by 23 million multiplied by Iraqbodycount,s maximum figure of 9565 gives us 415.
>So the cost of this war becomes clearer.
>Madjolin Yonan's story, and the price paid by her baby daughter, her unborn child and the rest of the 21 Assyrians killed in Nineveh is one of many that has and will continue to happen in the days to come.
>Our bodycount is definately not ZERO.

-- Jeff

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