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=> The United States As Earthquake

The United States As Earthquake
Posted by farid (Guest) - Friday, October 24 2003, 10:29:56 (EDT)
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It's strange that Narsai and I should find ourselves in such opposition now. For over 20 years we agreed about what this Heritage needed...then he went stone-age on me and fell for the allure and the quick high of "saving Assyrians". I admit it's too tempting almost to resist...the notion that you're the one rebuilding the empire one mud hut and burnt out school at a time...but it's a mistake... a serious one. I'm not about to stand by further and allow these lunkheads to add insult to injury, to compound the folly and callousness of what the United States be the mop-up tean for Bush.

For every one of these lunkheads, throughout our modern history, there have been voices of opposition raised among it isn't like I invented anything. Narsai is falling for the old number...following in the footsteps of the other ones of us who've believed a band-aid here and an aspirin there was doing anything besides setting up the next round of antagonism and reprisal. I keep thinking of the nun who got her head cut off...during the heady days when the Christians of America were bombing and killing like they do in Israel without a peep of protest from anyone in the world...maybe it was just too delicious an idea...and perhaps whoever cut her head off took his cue from the United States to begin with. What's worse...starving children to death or cutting off a nun's head? See what kind of paths we're being led down...when you have to ask such a barbarous question? But it evened the score a little and when you make people that desperate, vent that much cruelty on them as if they deserved it and it was your right, your holy right, to do set the nun up.

Narsai M. pal once upon a time...the guy I travelled with and slept overnight with and broke bread with and who has my sculpture tipping his house to the now become the single greatest champion for the same dismal policy of setting up Christians over there so they can be killed later for profit...and I can't stand it and won't sit by idly while he's used like this and allows himself to kid himself.

Had a natural disaster struck Iraq it would have been different. Had a massive earthquake levelled villages in Iraq and torn tin roofs off and broken water mains and crushed sewage plants and destroyed clinics and storehouses and stocks and medical supplies and school textbooks it would have been one thing. Then such humanitarian aid would have been a noble thing indeed.

But the disasater that struck was Narsai's own country...the one he pays considerable taxes to so it can do such things. I don't know which is worse...gladly supporting your own nation's policy when it's like this one, believing in it with all your heart...or hating it and supporting it anyway, from fear. Either way Assyrians got killed...but they were killed in part by a "reluctant" and "conflicted" and "well-meaning" Assyrian, of all things...and that stinks. For Narsai then to try to justify himself and call ME destructive is worthy of all the hell I'm going to subject him to.

It's still a free country...he can do what he wants and so can I.

The United States did these things deliberately...they purposefully propped Saddam up and used him and benefitted by him and it was in the cards...everything that happened...every destroyed village, every murdered Christian...every crime against their humanity was committed by the United States through its client, Saddam. For Narsai to want to rush in there after and prop up a mud hut or restore a ruined water line or clinic is the height of hypocrisy though he sees himself as a hero and labors mightily to build himself up on the broken backs and homes of those people.

The Assyrian Aid Society should be ashamed of themselves. Not for sending money there in the form of pumps and books and aspirin...but for sending so much more in the way of bombs and death...and for standing by silently when they weren't cheering on the "liberation" of the Iraqi people...liberated from their families, their lives and their sight.

Narsai gave me many an impassioned recital of CIA propaganda himself in the beginning because it was so easy and comforting to believe the cartoon version they were spinning for the American people. It was made all the more palatable for us because we've been raised on Church propaganda all our lives...and Aprim bullshit too. Now he dares tell me he was "always against this war"...and he "hated it". That's bullshit. He would yell at me when I suggested things weren't what they were being presented as and that maybe an oil tycoon and his friends had other motives...ones Narsai was furthering as they're over there now trying to fix a bit of the damage "Saddam" did.

Well then let's just say Saddam was such a powerful bastard that it was through his nefarious machinations Majdolin lost her sight. You think the AAS is interested in helping her? Guess again. To help Majdolin is to admit the obvious...that the United States did more damage, far more damage to those people and that country than Saddam EVER did. The same forces that lead Narsai to deny the obvious and make a point of singling out those people of the same faith over there as the ones who did the killing and destroying from over here...the same motives that make him even more blind than Majdolin is now will keep him insisting that it's charitable aid he's sending when it's hush quell his own conscience. Neither he nor the others in AAS are going to get away with that bit of bullshit.

I'm not Christian...I am Assyrian.


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