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=> US/Turkish Troops

US/Turkish Troops
Posted by Anatolyan Qala (Guest) - Saturday, October 25 2003, 22:49:50 (EDT)
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US still hopeful for Turkish troops, seeks acceptable deal


ANKARA - The United States has not suspended plans to get Turkish contribution to its stabilization mission in Iraq and remains hopeful that an agreement that would satisfy all would be reached, State Department said.

"We continue to believe firmly that Turkey can make an important contribution to stability in Iraq. We remain hopeful that an agreement to this end, that is satisfactory to all the parties, can be reached," State Department Spokesman Adam Ereli said Thursday.

His remarks came amid increasing signs that the U.S. administration's plans to boost its 130,000-strong force in Iraq by inviting Turkish troops amid strong opposition from Iraqis.

Iraq's U.S.-picked Governing Council has spoken out against deployment of Turkish troops, saying neighboring Turkey has vested interests in Iraq, and one Kurdish member of the council, Masoud Barzani, threatened to resign if the 24- member organization approves a Turkish deployment.

Ereli said contacts with Turkey and Iraq were ongoing to find a solution acceptable to all parties.

"Diplomatic contacts between the U.S. and Turkey to discuss Turkey's troop contribution are underway and continuing. We are consulting closely with the Government of Turkey and the military on the details of the troop deployment. And we are also consulting with the Iraqis in the Governing Council on this issue," he said.

He emphasized the U.S.-appointed council's views on the issue would count in efforts to resolve the controversy: "We want to do this in a way that is satisfactory to all the parties concerned: the Turks, and the Iraqis, and the other forces, and our Coalition partners. Our goal is to help enhance the security of Iraq and to help benefit the Iraqi people, so obviously their views and their needs are an important part of this.

Ereli declined to comment on reports that it was Ambassador Paul Bremer, who is heading the U.S. civilian administration in Iraq, who asked Washington not to accept Turkish troops.

Turkish Daily News


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