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=> Unrepentant Mahathir Says Jews Control t

Unrepentant Mahathir Says Jews Control t
Posted by farid (Guest) - Tuesday, October 21 2003, 12:50:04 (EDT)
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I think an increasing number of Jews...who also can't get their voices heard anywhere, feel nervous about the role their leaders are casting them in. There are real and substantial reasons being re-created to hate Jews...and it's as much driven by ignorance and prejudice as it ever was in Germany in 1930 and in France before that and all over Christian Europe before that!

But his comments pale when compared to the ones that idiot American Christian general made about his own holy war against Satan...which he called Islam...and on behalf of Jesus. And we're fighting "fundamentalism"?

These boys are squaring off yet again...and we're all going to pay even more of the price. There are no more "innocent bystanders" in the wortld...not any more...not when the world is this small and we have nominal "democracies" in which we're supposed to exercise our rights to choose.

The Iraqi people had no voice in the decisions made by Saddam...we all know that...we all comiserated with their powerlessness and then we went in and killed them anyway. What's OUR excuse? This isn't Iraq yet...we're supposed to have free and open and fair elections...but when will we have free and open and fair election campaigns and funding? It's rigged from the outset...the Media is bought and sold...we don't know what we're being told...we only find out much later and on page 12 that we were lied to. It does no good to have free elections if everything up to the voting booth is rigged and worse.

They just made Wesley Clark a "liberal" that a free and fair media?


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