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=> What is a Moslem Christian?

What is a Moslem Christian?
Posted by Alexander (Guest) - Tuesday, October 21 2003, 22:21:44 (EDT)
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Would his name be chrislem or mostian? Hahahhahahahahahahahaaha! That was funny, for me at least.

What do you call a Turk from Spain? A Spurk.
What do you call a Kurd from Turkey? A Turk.(I am sorry if I offend you Azhi, I am just poking fun at myself as well, since I have roots to some of the places Im mentioning here as well...Im just being silly, please dont take this the wrong way at all....I respect Kurds, and I am not one of those people who just consider them "mountainous" or "rugged northerners," Im not one of "those,":) Im just being stupid, essentially, but I believe I am entitled to exhibit my 'lesser' state sometimes as well:)

What do people say to Jeff on the phone when he picks up and tells the person who is calling his name? They say "God Bless You."
....Jeff Achoo....Get it? Look on the website if its still around- I found that funny.


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