The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Yawn

Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Wednesday, October 22 2003, 11:09:58 (EDT)
from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Once again, whatever you accuse me of isn't true because you don't know me personally, so you can't say anything about my character that is realistic in the slightest bit. You're just caricaturing someone when you don't know them at all. You do this to a lot of people. Go ahead, stereotype anyone you want to. It just makes you look more like an ass. I'd suggest sticking to mocking people you actually DO know, though, because the credibility of your accusations has decreased significantly in many peoples' eyes, from what I have heard.

Also, are you incapable of growing up & using adult language? Not expletives, but complicated words? Or are you just another product of a massively dumbed down society that's content with mediocrity & which easily becomes jealous of other peoples' genius*? It's everywhere these days, & your posts smack of this attitude. Hence the "personal" attacks & the inability to make a decent argument.

You know, for someone who seems to embrace atheism, you sure do like to proselytize (for *your* way of seeing things, whatever that is).... I'm not telling you what's right or what's wrong - go ahead & be the way that you want to be, & let me be the way I want to be, for your part. Stop with the pointless "personal" attacks.

* Let me clarify what I mean by "genius": I don't mean "genius" as that defined by one's IQ score, but the natural brilliance that most people are born with, in whatever field.


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