The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> an eerie silence...

an eerie silence...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, May 14 2004, 4:23:30 (CEST)
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...exists at the other thingies. Before the attack they were filled with breathless accounts of every single thing that happened to harm a hair on a Christians ass. And now...since the attack..nothing. It`s as if the peace and security they always wanted has happened...and just by this attack...all it took to secure Christians in Iraq was the murder of Muslims and a war against the country...or so they would seem to want you to believe.

Apparently there isn`t anything newsworthy going on in their "dear" homeland. The only added ingredient to the mix has been this war, this brutal occupation by Christian forces...and they`re behaving as if this has NO impact at all on Asstians...Jajo even encourages them to go get what they have they`re that stupid...over there.

In reality of course they`re merely avoiding and banning it when it pops up. But since it looks so empty, I mean not eeven Dooz is bothering with his war cry...they have to post they`re designing a flag one day...undesigning it the next...lists of patrirchs are dusted off for that old debate again...and the story of the 1918 deaths is up there now...I guess so they`ll remember how bad things were 80 years they`ll not remember how they`re going to be again...for all those msulims we were told like to drink blood...are even more pissed now...but not to worry..the brave Americans who, I`m sure released any Iraqi who showed his cross...will be just around the corner should Asstians need help...this is the grand Agenda these assholes pinned their hopes on and helped waste Iraq they did the other times and would have done in Turkey as well.

Under the climate we live in today, there is no place for Christ in the Mideast...Christians have seen to that and people like Kanna helped them get there.


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