beth sqeaks up |
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- Tuesday, October 21 2003, 13:26:38 (EDT) from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Written by Asuroyo on 20 Oct 2003 22:15:32: WE THE ASSYRIANS WHY WE DONT USE OUR EMPIRE COUNTRY NAME. ITS WRONG TO USE BETHNAHRIN ITS IS ONLY GEOGRAPHY NAME. THE KURDS PEAPLE CALLS THERE COUTRY NAME KURDISTAN. THE TURKS PEAPLE CALLS TURKEY. THE AMERICANS CALLS AMERICA. AND WHY WE DONT USE OUR IDENTITY ASSYRIAN NAME? +++Someone tell the guy that it used to be called lots of countries used to be called something other than what they are today. Today it's called Iraq. The name BetNahrain is a more poetical name, that's all. +++Why do these guys pine away for what ONCE was? Can they do nothing about anything today? Native Americans have a far more recent gripe yet they know enough to know they can't turn history in its head. Who HASN'T been wronged? I swear these patriots of ours all come from the nursery where Mama lavished all she could on her hairy beast because the father was such a lost cause. "Stupid" doesn't do them justice...falls far short. I think "incapacitated" covers it better, or "congenitally defective". And no, that does not refer to their genitals...although they do have DicHeads. --------------------- |
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