The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> can't but help notice....

can't but help notice....
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, December 21 2003, 12:43:06 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...that Andy carefull sidestepped Tiglath's most reasonaable and genial question...or point...while he goes on about love and more love.

I've tried appealing to Andy's Reason...his sense of moral decency...I've used logic...argument, example, historical references...everything but "I just believe it"...or any mumbled appeals to miracles and certainly none to any laborers dead 2000 years.

And all to no avail. Nothing simple, decent, coherent, rational will impress a Christian once he or she's been whangdangdoodled by the Church. They aren't fit for human dialogue any longer but belong up there with the greatest fiend and mass murderer the earth has ever seen...god himself. And he brags about it too.


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