The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> clarifications

Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Wednesday, October 22 2003, 11:23:17 (EDT)
from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

: I'd suggest sticking to mocking people you actually DO know, though, because the credibility of your accusations has decreased significantly in many peoples' eyes, from what I have heard.

xxx Your credibility has decreased because you don't say realistic things about the people you so "bravely" attack (yawn) on your forum. It's like crying wolf - you cry wolf about every person you don't like for whatever reason, even when you know NOTHING about them. So when the real "wolves" show up as the subjects of your posts, your accusations become meaningless, even regarding the real "wolves," because those who've had to listen to you make incorrect statements about other people don't know whether or not to believe you. Make sense? Just stick to those people you DO know, & you will have more clout when you criticize them.

: Stop with the pointless "personal" attacks.

xxx That's a request, not a command. If you choose not to stop with the personal attacks, I'm not going to force you to stop. However, I will stop visiting your forum, posting, & reading your posts. That's the consequence for your action. & if you are willing to lose my posts or input, then so be it. I will spend my energy elsewhere.


The full topic:

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