The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> heheheheh

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, May 6 2004, 0:46:42 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

I love it when they try to be reasonable...and intelligent too...

Dear Ninos,

I think you totally misunderstand my reasoning.

I have winged bulls and Assyrian flags in my home. That's my home - not a church. These things do not belong in a church, especially not the altar area.

...these "things" WERE the altar...for Assyrians. What you have on the altar of your jew religion are jew symbols.

If you were a Christian, which I don't think you are, I would ask you if Jesus would approve of this image of two pagan deities being on His altar.

...who gives a shit what Jesus would approve of? Since he`s just a Roman fiction anyway. But more to the point..what would the god of the Assyrians..not the Christians..but the god of the Assyrians think of your claiming to be Assyrian and as definitive proof...making sure ONLY jew symbols are on "your" altar?

...wullah being christian makes people stupid.



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