The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> ...i wonder...

...i wonder...
Posted by el iraqui (Guest) - Saturday, December 27 2003, 21:17:16 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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[ 640 x 454 - 7.77 ko ]
...if another country...or space invaders...attacked the US and were just about ready to wipe us all out and the only way to save ourselves was to commit some beastly crime against these people...a crime so awful that every moral bone in Christianity would be called upon to rise up in protest(WHAT a metaphor!)...and the pope was called to the White House and asked to sign off on this terrible "thing" we had to do to save ourselves, even though it meant putting off the day we long for(when anyone's looking)..that being the day we're all collected up there to yahwe's bosum...what would the pope do? What would Christians WANT him to do?

Would Christianity stand by and let itself be wiped you-know-whom? Would the Church give us all a lesson in "Perfect Love" by sacrificing it's and bank accounts? Would the church "imitate" Christ...or Hannibal the Cannibal?


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