The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> really...

Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Wednesday, October 22 2003, 12:13:59 (EDT)
from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer
Website title:

I protested the war & spread as much material around this place as I could to inform people enough to take a stand against it. Moreover, I saw people change their opinions about the "war" right in front of my eyes *because* I spoke with them in a respectful manner & informed them of facts they were not aware of before. Therefore, I do not think that my actions were ineffectual.

You know, taxes pay for other things, besides the military - they go toward public housing, education, welfare, federally & state subsidized health care for the poor, & all sorts of endeavours that I think are potentially good that are now being threatened with extermination in a substantial way. Only now, now that the military is taking the majority of my money, do I consider not paying my federal income taxes as a form of protest. But, there are many things in this country that are run by the government that benefit the poor, & could be used to benefit the poor even more. A federal institution is not "good" or "bad" in itself. It becomes "good" or "bad" when people who work within that institution use it one way or the other.

Honestly, I don't know why being a thief is anything to be proud of. I suppose everyone is a thief to some extent, but I believe that we should try not to steal & instead make libations & other sacrifices, as in days of old, to the good earth & community that sustains us. Otherwise, we end up suffering as our environment suffers.


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