The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> well

Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Thursday, October 23 2003, 1:21:10 (EDT)
from - D006159.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu USA Educational - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Can you play Mendelssohn's violin concerto in E minor? I can, & I performed the first movement in front of an audience of judges. Can you perform Prokofiev's unaccompanied violin sonata? I did, in front of an audience on more than one occassion. Have you ever played your own compositions on piano in front of an audience of professional, world-class classical musicians at their request? That's what I did in middle school a couple of times. The point is: I'm not shy, nor any of those other adjectives you use to describe other Assyrians. Go talk your fake bravado to someone who'll believe you. I'm sick of your not-so-well disguised pettiness.


The full topic:

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