The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> why not?

why not?
Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Wednesday, October 22 2003, 20:21:14 (EDT)
from - D006086.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu USA Educational - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

: The first thing is not to discuss this in much detail in public till we have an idea in our own dim heads.

xxx Why not? That's stupid - people should feel free to contribute ideas to help her on the forum. #1: people in the medical community can hunt around for surgeons & hospitals who can help her out for free. #2: people can raise money for her other medical expenses over the internet at a website similar to Lina's. #3: people nearby can volunteer to help out her sister by offering to take care of Majdolin when her sister needs to go to work if that's necessary.


The full topic:

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