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=> A Blustery day In Assria

A Blustery day In Assria
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 13 2004, 1:25:37 (CEST)
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The testosterone is flying at aina! Pity the girlfriend with a headache tonight.

To the question of whether or not any militia...including ZOWAAs so-called militia...will have to disband all the others have one gave an answer of course. I said..the boys will never deal in realities..they`re still designing the uniforms.

In any case..Hanna, who also wouldn`t answer the simple question..I mean after THAT heartfelt sperm induced diatribe it was just too much of a bucket of cold water to be told all the militias are disbanding anyway, so what`s the point of calling for the formation of a new one...he comes up rather with this...

"Let's not forget that the last time Assyrians were disarmed, it was followed by the Simele Massacre."

Hanna Hajjar

...let`s also remember that the last time the Christians worked for an occupying force in was followed by Simele..when that attacking, occupying, lying, murdering employee of Christian collaborators, called Levies, back then..left. Their "arms" had nothing to do with setting the forces in motion...for the majority of Christians weren`t troubled at all..though suspicion was cast on all of them as being potential fith column material for foreign Christians to they always have in the past.

It was the Levies that precipitated it was from being British dogs for hire that GOT them those weapons. Then as now, no government, especially one in turmoil, is going to allow any group of people to arm themselves...especially when the weapons and bullets come from the attacking outsiders. Americans had no qualms killing 90 people in Waco...any government would do the same, unfortunately. Iraqis had excellent reasons to mistraust the Christians who refused to turn in their weapons...this was a crime they brought on themselves.

It was no worse an overreaction on the Iraqi government`s part than attacking Iraq on the spurious claims the United States used..when the whole world knew Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and didn`t have WMDs.

So get off your high horse..this sort of blind pigheadedness also gets you Simeles. And since you didn`t learn an obvious lesson the last time..and are working the same side of the street collaborators with the Americans AND Brits..the Brits will be this too that will bring you the next Simele...armed or not.

And just where did you expect to get the weapons this time? Let me guess.


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