The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> An idea...

An idea...
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Wednesday, June 9 2004, 12:53:21 (CEST)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Why bitch and moan about lack of media access.

Let's form our our Assyrian news agency.

Call it The Assyrian Secular News Agency (ASNA) and then release official secular Press Releases about the real situation in our community.

We could then electronically automate the press releases so that each transcript would be e-mailed to eveery single news agency and news editor in the world.

If we were to spend a year just sending out secular news releases the media would start quoting us in their own reports and will even get OUR opinion when writing stories about us.

Only problem is I need you Farid, Jeff, Kris and possibly Tony to assist in launching this thing.

E-mail me privately so we can discuss this without the Chrisitnas eavesdropping.


The full topic:

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