Asstians On The Run |
Posted by
- Sunday, June 6 2004, 5:33:40 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
WM The DM rsponds to a fellow from Australia who takes Asstians to task for their behavior leading up to Simele...I think we have them on the run..trouble is that`s all they and hurl defiance over their shoulders...I think we`re getting to them and I want to thank the Sydney guy for joining the fray...and WM the DM as well for giving us the opportunity to listen calmly..and THEN rip into him...but at least they`re trying..this is better than stuffing their heads up their National Arse... Assyrians were told by the Iraqi government and the British administrator that if they do not like their situation they could leave Iraq and a few hundred Assyrians crossed the Euphrates into Syria to see if the French would allow them to stay there so that they could come back to take their families with them. ...That`s absurd to begin with. No way would they have crossed over just to see...see from whom? Were they going to march to Paris? Were they going to talk to the French Ambassador? What could he do for them? They left their families behind? Would you do such a thing? They had informed the British and the Iraqi government of their intentions and had stated that they did not intend to harm Iraq. ...that`s also do you envison they did that..and why? "Dear British and Iraqis...we are crossing the river into might think we`re doing it to harm Iraq but we aren`t". How is crossing a river to be interpreted by anyone as "harming Iraq". Obviously there is more to it..and we know from jolly experience that you boys NEVER know more than one side of anything. The British and the Iraqi governments warned the French asking that Assyrians should be disarmed and driven out of Syria. ...that also makes no sense. If the Assyrians "told" the Iraqis and the British BEFORE crossing into Syria..why would they all wait till they did..and THEN "warn" the French...why not take action first..why not disarm them themselves? And why would they want them back? if they were anxious to get rid of the them...why not forbid their return and send their families after them? Let me guess..because Muslims LIKE to kill CHRISTIANS! ...You boys never deal with the fact that it was Iraq, a Muslim country..that took us in when we were running for our lives from OTHER MUSLIMS! And they took in what were essentially Iranians to them...for they don`t see us as the ONLY Assyrians. They took in Iranian Christian refugees...and you have NEVER thanked them for it..instead you all still praise the fucking Levies who acted the part of British dogs biting the hand that fed them..that would make you odious in anyone`s eyes. The French let the Assyrians keep their weapons for fear that they would be massacred if they return to Iraq. ...that too is silly. If the French were told to disarm the few Assyrians before sending them would sedning them back, to face the entire Iraqi army...make them safe. At that point it should have been obvious that they were not welcome back at ALL...and it dawned on the damn fools that they`d fucked up badly by leaving their families behind...DUH! By all indications Assyrians were willing to hand over their weapons to the Iraqi Army provided that it would guarantee their safety but when they began to cross the Euphrates into Iraq in the middle of the River the Iraqi army waiting for them on the other side opened fire killing few. ...More bullshit..this is all invented after the fact to put a Christian pit us spin on it. First of all you don`t mention what all those "indications" were...since that`s at the core of this fairy tale...your omission is rather glaring. If the Iraqis AND the Brits told them to leave their weapons in Syria and they chose to cross into Iraq with them...they were about as much asking for it as anyone could. ..Of course they opened fire...they had told them to leave their weapons behind...and they saw them crossing WITH their weapons...that act of defiance is all the excuse they needed and it was a good enough one and would have satisfied the Americns in Iraq today who will shoot to kill for a lot less than that. Assyrians had no choice but to fire back to protect themselves. ...there was NO protecting themselves..they blundered badly and then as now can never admit their fuck they stared was a lost cause...might as well lose all the way. This is what you seem to describe as rebellion. ...If American citizens take up arms...and refuse to put them down when told by the authorities..they too will be shot. Why does that surprise you so much? They killed 90 people in Waco who didn`t have ANY weapons...what`s your problem with reality? You seem to believe that Assyrians should have allowed themselves to be killed. ...that`s exactly what they DID. They left and entered another country...all the while the Levies are working for the Brits...they pay no attention to a demand, a most reasonable one, that they put down their weapons before re-entering an Iraq that is far from stable at that moment...they refuse and come with their weapons ready...just what kind of a National Jackass are you anyway? It was the fools themselves who precipitated the whole thing...had they stayed the MAJORITY of Assyrians did...none of that would have happned..or if the damn fools had taken their families with them to "ask" if they could stay...they could have STAYED! Surely they must have had some indication that the Syrians would allow them to...or else why make that journey...why a few hundred with weapons to ask a question...why not two guys with NO guns? What were the guns shoot the French? If they`re leaving Iraq...why carry guns into Syria...don`t they realize they`re going to be looked upon with suspicion when they re-enter Iraq and that isn`t the best way to enter Syria "ask permission"...especially after having been told to leave their weapons behind? Were the Iraqis supposed to wait to be shot at? Do you suppose they could afford to have word get out that anyone wanting to could form a small private army and cross the borders at will..and return the same way...ignoring the governments rules? Name a country that would allow that before you blast Iraqis. It was after this confrontation which the Iraqi army went to the Assyrian villages in the northern which had nothing to do with the incident assured Assyrians that they will NOT be harmed if they handed over the weapons which they had. After they complied the unarmed men, women and children. were massacred .You seem to approve of massacring of the innocent people who were killed for no reason at all. ...why were 500,000 children starved to death? Was there a good reason? was there any reason? Why was Iraq attacked for 14 years? Were there WMDs? Has America NEVER attacked another country that Iraq must be punished for attacking Kuwait? Hw about the 11,000 plus people America has killed in Iraq...what about Majdolin..what had she done? What did those women with their ripped clothes and fucked bodies do to deserve it? The more you try to explain yopurselves the deeper in shit you sink...but the good thing is you feel you have to say SOMETHING...and so you do...and so you sink. It was a valiant effort..but as usual, you boys only raise more questions than you answer...keep trying. No one is excusing any slaughter anywhere...but until people take responsibility for their own actions..look into their own motives and beliefs to see how they may be perceived by others..especially those others who far outnumber them..they can`t play the Innocents all the time. Time to get off your knees..stop believing in Jew fairy tales and take some responsibility as an Assyrian. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answers: --------------------- |
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