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=> Assyrians of Iraq

Assyrians of Iraq
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 3 2004, 16:56:48 (CEST)
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If you were a visitor from space and knew the planet`s history..knew of the wars and jealousies and the unbelievable cruelties committed in the name of various gods by their "loving" adherents and`d come to the conclusion that the world is made of one people divided by foolishness. By god-foolishness.

If you looked at Iraq, at the broad sweep of the almost unbelievable record of achievement, of invention, of development of the growth of human genius that came from what has to be the smallest human paradise on earth bounded by those two`d come to the conclusion that this was a special spot like no other.

If you were wise you`d see in human religions a common thread of fear of the unknown, dread at mortality, and an almost comical effort to quiet those nagging fears with a collection of nonsense that goes a long way to explaining why they`re still at each other`s throats. The Sumerian/Babylonian/Assyrian religion was the wisest and most compassionate of them shown in the Epic of Gilgamesh, those people long ago determined that is was poitless if not downright dangerous to be concerned over things you could in no way know, but for which a persistant and murderous claim to THINK you knew, unhinged you and made you susceptible to manipulation by unscrupulous priests who know a good thing when they see one.

The Sumerians determined it was ultimately best to be a good leader...a good take your loved one to your heart and hold your child by the wash and be drink a cool one at the bar of the Celestial Barmaid...and let heaven take care of will be there should you ever have the need...and with this philosophy the people of BetNahrain concentrated on earth and what could be done to improve living conditions for all people.

It was those bug eating Hebrews who couldn`t plant a straight line, who took to killing their first born sons as a way of showing Yahwe they were serious and in serious trouble...who killed their own brothers and sisters if they strayed or refused to admit that bloody butcher was the best and ONLY was those people who needed a Messiah desperately because every son of a bitch who came down the road could displace and harrass was them Hebrews who gave birth to the two religions of which, Christianity, has been tearing the world apart now for centuries.

It was the Romans who killed Jesus and found a way to put his teaching...which they edited and expunged and added to, to practical use who spread it at the point of a sword...even to BetNahrain where our ancestors were forcibly converted as were the people of every culture the Romans invaded. Christianity followed the Roman army along the Roman did not spread the way the popes lie about it...we know that because we have recent records of how they achieved their "convesrions"...and it should open our eyes wide to our plight to see that the very people, such as Africans who were enslaved and raped to Christ...cheer the loudest and dance the wildest at his altar...and that`s African tribes people...but Assyrians???

The people of Iraq today all have that glorious heritage...except the Muslim Assyrians have an additional plume in their that only happened because they joined Islam and tempered it and modified it and civilized so often happened in BetNahrain before Islam came..when the wild and wooley people of the deserts would conquer the city periodically, only to be conquered by the city far more profoundly.

The glorious Islamic Empire was built and inspired by the rich and complex cultures which had come before it to BetNahrain...also from the desert. There`s no way to account for the art and science and technology and poetry and music and cuisine of the Islamic Empire without addmitting it was shaped largely by BetNahrain and not the product of desert Arabs...and that Assyrians flocked to the banner of the Prophet in preference to the dust and whey they were eating before then...waiting to get into a Hebrew paradise...having been reduced to the abject humiliation of needing a Messiah too...on relying upon Heavenly Hosts when the Assyrians had recently had their own hosts and a heaven in Nineveh no Jew paradise could compare to.

Throwing off their hairshirts, getting up off their knees where they were supplicating Yahwe, they took to the saddle again with alacrity...they grasped the Koran and let go the Hebrew the other hand they took up the sword their saddlebags they carried the culture of Betnahrain and they swept the Byzantine Romans off the field...then they marched all the way across Africa and sailed to Spain where BetNahrain, in only one guise, shows in the magnificence of the Alhambra and for 700 years they reproduced and further refined all the techniques they`d brought from Nineveh and Ashur...while Christian Europe huddled in rags and filth ruled over by popes who earned for their age the name of the, "Dark Ages", lit here and there by burning heretics.

When the Moors ran their course, the invading Christians could not help but marvel at what they saw and the medicine and science and technology and art of BetNahrain swept away the cobwebs in Paris, London and Rome as well. Then the Spaniards, with Moorish blood in them and the light of Betnahrain shining on them...took that light to the New World...even though they were Christian...still, the achievements of the Assyrians, Babylonians and the rest of the people there went beyond religion...any was the common legacy of all human beans.

Yet now we have a passle of Christians saying it can`t be..that all Assyrians turned only to Christ and that fact alone makes them the ONLY Assyrians. When the basis, the ground floor, of your entire edifice is so un-Assyrian to begin with...what do you expect to find up in the belfry when you`re done building this "nation" but bats.


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