The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Christian Two-Step

Christian Two-Step
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 5 2004, 5:32:37 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: have to keep your eyes on them priestly hands for they work mighty fast. It goes something like Asstian will tell you he is an Assyrian...he can`t ptove it he "just knows" it to be true. Okay. Next he`ll tell you that Assyrians today can only be Christians. If you ask how come Assyrians aren`t Assyrians instead..he`ll tell you it was no big deal to switc, really, because Christianity is "very close to Ashurism"...which would come as a shock to any Assyrian.

Having given you these "prooves" the Asstian will then do the two-step..or the Christian shuffle"...he`ll say...Ïraq is ancient Assyria...I just proved to you that I am Assyrian...and I proved it by telling you I am Christian...and I already told you only Christians can be Assyrians". An Asstian will tie the two words "Christian" and "Assyrian " together like they were joined at birth..which is of course preposterous..but he does that so he can say, in one breath..."Iraq belongs to the original Assyrian Christians".

It`s only at the last that he`ll add that key word "original". While it`s true that the Assyrians were one of the original people to rule the land..they were not ORIGINALLY Christian. Attaching the word "Christian" to "Assyrian" is done in hopes you won`t notice that they just claimed the land for Christianity.

Assyrian Christians were NEVER the original owners of the land...Assyrian Assyrians were. Christian is what Assyrians BECAME much later...well after the empire was gone and everybody was marching through the land taking what they could. Islam came and won over many that you can honestly say that Muslim Assyrians own the land NOW...

and that`s`s that simple.


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