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=> Christianity: The Real Enemy Of Assyrians

Christianity: The Real Enemy Of Assyrians
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 5 2004, 16:56:18 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:, for the thousandth time I don`t mean any disrespect to loveable a Jew and Human Bean as one could wish for. I also don`t mean that kindness, love, compassion, consideration etc. are enemies of the Assyrian people for these things are human characteristics that transcend all religions and are not at the core of Christian faith and dogma but its fringes.

I mean specifically what is unique to Christianity...which, the best I can figure it, involves participating in the feast of love, the Agape, whereby Christians "symbollically" eat the flesh and drink the blood of a human sacrifice..."human" because Christ had to assume human form, suffer and bleed and die as a human, or else where`s the big deal?

In order for any of this to happen, Jesus has to be killed first...the lamb led to slaughter etc. I asked Andy once...a priest who`s now been Urinated by the pope...if he travelled back in time to Golgotha and it was placed in his power to save Jesus from execution...would he do it? Would he screw up the entire basis upon which this religion of "love" is built..that don`t get to eternal life in heaven unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood...and you can`t do that (one would hope) until and unless Christ is killed. Had Christ escaped his father`s plan for him..there would be no Christian religion, though there might be a lot more peace and love in the world.

Andy had either the clever wit to say he would save Jesus...or he really meant that he could not stand by and watch an innocent young man sacrificed, no matter how "divine" the force ordering it...merely so he could benefit...even benefit GREATLY. That is what we would hope loving and decent people would all decide. A true Christian, in any decent definition of the term, would excuse Jesus in a heartbeat...would rather sacrifice HIM or HERSELF...forego his or her OWN order to save an innocent human being who`s about to be put to death so YOU won`t die.

That`s a tough thing to ask a Christian, especially one who`s dedicated to joinging this mad cult, to consider. It`s like asking an artist if he or she were in a burning building with a Rembrandt painting and a kitten...and only one could be saved, which would it be? Again..that`s putting the person in an awful this case an artist who, because he or she IS an artist, would naturally revere the`s asking how much you understand of Life..what your values are..what kind of a civilization you that values valuable material objects, the more lovely the more so..or one that realizes that a culture made of beautiful things only is ugly..that whatever form, even in a lowly kitten is far more important for that kind of an appreciation and shows that the culture you want must be a humane and a kind one first of all...and that from that solid basis will come the best damn paintings you can ever hope for.

And this is the reason Christianity is so dangerous, to Assyrians especially...especially now...also the reason that our religious fanatics, covered and fronted as they all are by political groups...are so dangerous to us now. These are people who believe in benefitting from human sacrifice..they are people who can accept a gift....if the giver has been murdered already..even long after they come on the scene..these are people not troubled by at playing symbollic games of cannibalism and vampirism and think teaching these things to their children is just wonderful...these are the kinds of people who accpet the gifts that come from human sacrifice...of the most innocent and unoffending most of all...these are the kinds of people who place the value of their own well being, or their "souls" above that of Justice or Fair Play...or even of human decency.

These are people who require nothing more tangible than a promise given by four out of work Jew fishernmen of 2000 years ago (or a fishy president)...a promise for a paradise none of them has ever been able to explain or define intelligibly..these are people who demand their Faith not make "sense"...people who kill and die for things they feel all the better about if they are irrational...for then they are sure they must be doing "God`s will".

These kinds of people will see the Christians of Iraq..also innocent victims, sacrificed and willingly too...if there`s any chance of getting "Paradise"...which they have the nerve to call "Assyria"...but which settles down into a Christian enclave..or some special rights for their friggin Christian faith.

That`s why all the fervent calls to UNTITTY are...the glowing reports about how things were never better for Christians in Iraq, that this is the time to go back and claim a homeland..this is the time to build a capital city..this is the time to build schools and hospitals and villages..this is the time...amid all the rancour and confusion and the rage that has yet to show itself...this is the time to go back and DEMAND a Christian that is disguised, as all their sects are, by an Assyrian name...and a political "Front".

These people yearn for, they love, they weep over..the sacrifice..often human sacrifice of OTHERS...from which they`re conditioned by Christian dogma to expect and indeed to REVEL in whatever goodies can come their way..that this is a legitimate way to benefit yourself.

And that`s exactly what they`re doing now..and it`s the reason they have always been theior own worst enemies...these people do not martyr themselves..they martyr OTHERS!


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