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=> Christians need CASH!

Christians need CASH!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, August 27 2004, 16:54:38 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...Filipinos are primarily's interesting that when refering to Christian countries the word "Christian" is never if it's a dirty word...but only the nationality is mentioned...whenever a Muslim country is spoken of, it's people and government are called Muslim...hardly ever Arab or Iraqi...all Muslims being lumped together as Jews were for purposes of committing hate crimes agaisnt them all and seeing them as one monolithic force opposed to NATIONS.

Filipinos Protest to Seek Work in Iraq

...see how it reads if you place "Christians" in in Christians Seek Work In Iraq

39 minutes ago

MANILA, Philippines - Riot police used water cannons Friday to disperse protesters demanding that the Philippines lift its ban on allowing its citizens to go to war-ravaged Iraq (news - web sites) for jobs.

The protesters marched to the presidential palace to urge President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (news - web sites) to let them leave for Iraq, where they said U.S. military contracts await them.

"Your concern for us is highly appreciated but we need cash," one placard read. "Please allow us to work in Iraq," said another.

..."We appreciate your concerns but Christians need cash"!

...How does that sound? And from an illegal war sold to us on lies that have cost hundreds of thousands of inncoent lives...not to mention all the damage these Christians now seek CASH to "repair". At this rate there is no end to the CASH Christians can earn by murdering and destroying....and when was the first time a Christian learned to benefit from the murder of an Innocent..right, when HE was killed so his followers who "loved" him to death could cash in their souls for Paradise.


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