Do you have Finns? |
Posted by
- Thursday, June 3 2004, 23:54:15 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
the last time someone got that giggly over me...I wound up having to move the board to Europe to avoid the rest of her anatomy. Let`s all try to stay calm and sane here...I know myself...there is nothing out of the ordinary here, believe me. Nothing to be excited over. I was interested in the article about the young murderer in Japan. She killed the other girl because that girl said something nasty about her. I don`t see what the big deal is....we just killed a half million children because Bush and Cheney et all wanted more money. If adults can do as they please including kill children...why can`t children...after all THEY are the children! I liked the response too...they`re going to get "tough" on criminal kids. If they could all stop and see how tough they`ve been on kids...they might get somewhere. What good does it do to make tough punishments for rape while you incite men to rape. What`s the point? Why not pass a new law making it mandatory, on pain of losing your lock your barn door after the horse leaves? In Japan I mean...we`re far too sensible for that sort of thing. --------------------- |
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