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=> Evil Forces Inc.

Evil Forces Inc.
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, July 7 2004, 16:06:38 (CEST)
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..what`s funny about the new security laws the Americans imposed through their puppets is that it sounds a lot like the Patriot Act. And when puppet Allawi says, "there are evil outside forces attacking the Iraqi people"...who in the world doesn`t think..."well of course...Bush is there". It won`t work..or rather it will work the way Bush will make the situation worse...more "outsiders" will come to help fight off this most illegal and inhumane action knowing full well their homes and lands could be next..and Bush will have the pretext he needs to MAKE them "next". It`s a marvelous, Byzantine way to make it appear that you`re justified in killing children...which is what this is all way or the other jewis...sorry, Muslim babies have to be killed..and a good way to do it is to warp their lives so they`ll grow the way you need them you can justify killing "terrorists".

They`ve been doing that with Black children in America for a hundred years...breed them in cages, inner and outer, so you`ll be justified in treating them the way you needed they are a threat to white people..when no one threatened anyone in Africa or in America more than white people..who are now threatening the Muslims, after killing and eating the Jews.

Iraq Announces Emergency Powers Laws

26 minutes ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

By DANICA KIRKA, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The Iraqi government issued a long-anticipated package of security laws Wednesday to help crush insurgents, including a provision allowing interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi to impose martial law.

As the plan was announced, masked gunmen battled Iraqi forces in central Baghdad, and at least four people were killed. Mortars landed near a residence used by Allawi, and Iraqi police also defused a massive car bomb elsewhere in the capital.

The new laws give Allawi the right to impose curfews, to conduct search operations and detain individuals with weapons, once he receives unanimous approval from the Presidential Council. They also give him the right to assign governors, including military leaders, in specific areas, and they empower him to freeze the assets of suspects and monitor their communications.

Allawi signed the law earlier in the day, officials said.

"The lives of the Iraqi people are in danger, they are in danger from evil forces, from gangs of terrorists," said Human Rights Minister Bakhityar Amin, who compared the new law to the U.S. Patriot Act.

...go get em Bush.


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