The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> From a Chaldean Muslim...

From a Chaldean Muslim...
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Wednesday, September 22 2004, 7:50:45 (CEST)
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...bless this person's heart. I couldn't agree more!

Only Christian Assyrians are true Assyrians.


[ Chaldeans Discussion Forum ]


Written by The Assyrian Muslim on 12 Sep 2004 02:58:08:

Shlame to all,

My name is Elyas Rashad, and I am an Assyrian. However, it is argued by members of the Assyrian community, which to me is nothing but a religious cult, that an Assyrian must be a Christian. At the same time, Assyrians have proven to be bigots, racist, ignorant, and intolerable of other people or religions. I am unique in some ways since I am an Assyrian whom happens to be a Muslim. It is said that the entire Assyrian community is Christian. However, after doing some reserach, and meeting more Assyrians, I have learned that this is a false statement or arguement.

I have met some Assyrians that were Muslim, some that practiced Ashurism, and some didn't even believe in Allah. Does not being a Christian, change the fact that your ethnicity is Assyrian? if that is the case, then that justifies Saddam's reason for labeling Assyrians as just Christian Arab.

I remember when the Assyrians used to and still deny the Chaldean ethnic community. Fanatic Assyrians use to claim that all Chaldeans are Catholic, and that they have to be a reliigious community. However, I have read books from authors that visited Mesopotamia in the 1800s and even before, and in their books it refered to chaldeans as Catholic whom descent of the ancient Chaldeans. In addition, another book stated that the Chaldeans are pure Chaldean by blood, and are Catholic by faith. Personally, I agree that Chaldeans are descendants of the ancient Chaldeans, Babylonians, Assyrian, etc, I believe they have every right to regard themselves as Chaldean.

Due to Assyrian propaganda by some fanatics, some Chaldeans have accepted the Assyrian name, but that was more because of political reasons. When it comes to Chaldeans, Assyrians try to erase their history, and feed them with falsehood and propaganda. In reality, Assyrian political parties are evil, and they attempt to use the Chaldean community for their own interest. One of the reasons for the need of Chaldeans is due to the small population that Assyrians have. Chaldeans outnumber Assyrians by more than double{ mashallah} and the Assyrians hate this fact. So, what do you do to a group of people that speak the same language, have similar culture, and have a lage population? you brain wash and manipulate them. Just like the Assyrians were manipulated y the British, French, Russians, etc, they attempt to do the same to the Chaldeans.

However, the Chaldean nation is much smarter than Assyrians. The Chaldeans have accomplished much more than the backward Assyrians in Iraq. Chaldeans have risen to successful businessmen, lawyers, doctors, politicians, and much more. Unlike the Assyrians who happen to lie and decieve others, the Chaldeans worked with honesty, truth, integrity, and self respect. That is why they were highly trusted and favored by Saddam.

Last but not least, on the subject of religion and Assyrians, I believe that Christianity has become some form of tradition to the Assyrians. Since they practice a false branch of Christianity, and disobey the teachings of Jesus{pbuh} they are just some kind of demonic, and religious cult. I am sad to see these racist bigots, misuse the Assyrian name. I try to post a message on the racial Assyrian forum, and I get attacked for not being Christian. They try to deny me my rights to practice my religion, Islam in peace.

Being Assyrian,is something that is a fact for life. Not a single, so called, Assyrian can deny that. I was Assyrian when I was born, and I will leave this earth as an Assyrian. My religion is Islam, and I am proud of that. Islam is truth for me. I have only experienced unexplainable things, miracles I should say.

Over all, I am not here trying to enforce my faith upon anyone, but proving a point about these fanatic Assyrians, and their hate toward everyone else, including toward their Chaldean brethren.

May Allah guide his believers,and the righteous.



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