The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Gentlemen, Start your Whines!!!

Gentlemen, Start your Whines!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 2 2004, 20:45:44 (CEST)
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Website title:

Our Loud Voice mean your Big Mouth.

Posted By: Alfred Alkhas <> (
Date: Friday, 2 July 2004, at 1:10 p.m.

Iraqis in London will hold a conference in July 11th to discuss immigrant participation in next census and their voting rights in the coming elections.

More than 20 associations, movements, organizations represented all Iraqi factions participated in the conference but unfortunately I could not see any one of ours representing Assyrians! said it yourself...Iraqis will participate...there is no Assyria that any sane person recognizes and you are no sane Assyrians that anyone can attend as Iraqis...Christians, if you insist on dragging Jesus there by his hair...but you boys haven`t changed any, why would Muslims? will "Boy-Cott" the meeting because those uslurpers won`t first allow you to register as the free and independant and nowhere-to-be-seen Republic of Assyria..and since you can`t get your way..what would you possibly have to offer a Muslim Iraq?

...This is what you have always done...removed yourselves from the mainstream in the MidEast and wanted to return to the good old days when Ashurbanipal was a Christian just like you. There is no room in Iraq for people so deluded and denuded they think they are the indigenous people of 4000 years ago and seek to prove it by pointing to the cross Hanna tatooed on their arse.

...What you boys mean is that you want to play Christian and make that the same thing, almost, as being go to any Christian country and play your games. Your only chance for surviving in Iraq is to live, think and breathe as Iraqis..who happen to be Christians..but this demandsing of triangles will get you what it always, where do you Diaspora to next?

I hope someone represented Assyrians that was ‘accidentally’ not mentioned in the list or we better go home if we miss such events! missed out on 1300 years of a glorious Islaimc Assyrian hid in your villages shaking and baking instead, or ran to that stronghold of Assyrians,`re STILL home...just gone to lunch permanently.

I was also wandering why we didn’t have anyone representing Assyrians in the conference held by the new Iraqi ambassador to the US Mrs. Rund Rahim. She discussed with the crowd who attended that meeting a lot of important issues regarding the future of Iraq yet we were absent in this event as well!

...because no one wants to hear from a minority Christian sect trying to fob itself of as the original and only Assyrians. It`s embarrassing to say the least and they allow you to say it once in a while, but to think anyone is seriously going to give you any official status separate from your Iraqi nationality is hardly matter anywhere..why would the Iraqi government..a democracy...give you any offical anything..besides the Ministry of GET OUT!!!

I hope those loud voices of our organizations and individuals that we hear on this forum and elsewhere in the US and Europe wake up and take the initiative to participate in such important events.

..they take no initiative, they carefully wait for the ship to leave port, then jump into the water and drown...unless someone else fishes them out in which case they protest to the United Nations that they`re wet, "give me a towel". What initiative are you talking about? People, such as yourself, who are content to make demands in a closet are hardly going anywhere.

I believe that their participation in such events is much better and more fruitful than keeping on shouting in our ears telling us what we already know and what we agree or disagree upon! are all fruitful and never more so than when confined to one tree. You mean you don`t yet know what the game is? This is all religious sectsy one is getting or ever thought they were getting anything..except the chance to pile up more victims you can then call martyrs and you`ll be good for another 1000 years of National Crying.



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