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=> Hanna`s Dicheaded Dictionary

Hanna`s Dicheaded Dictionary
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 22 2004, 14:04:40 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:`s the definition under "Collaborator"

..."They are not collaborators,they are innocent who want to provide for their children otherwise who will provide for them "

...there you have it. Someone with children who robs a bank isn`t a bank robber..he`s an innocent with children...who will feed them? No one asks the reason you robbed a one cares if you have mortgage payments to make...and by the way ALL the Iraqi people could use some help feeding their kids...if you`ll all remember 5000 Assyrian children a MONTH, many of them Christian, died for 13 YEARS from a combination of NO FOOD, no medicine, no clean water, no sewage treatment facillity and after a year of Liberation there`s still no food, no medicine and no is not only the Christians who have children to feed!

The corrupt government that is being set up now or the corrupt government which will be in place later ?

...there is corruption everywhere...all governments have faced the problem of corruption..if you read more than comic books you`d know that...simple realities wouldn`t come as such a shock to wouldn`t run into the United Nations crying, "We Wuz WRONGED!"`d know EVERYBODY has been wronged and the only way anything changed for them by was by DOING...not complaining.

...the fact that a bank or government is corrupt doesn`t mean you get to rob have an obligation to work within your government legally to bring about change...but you boys don`t consider yourselves a part of Muslim society...though there are millions of Christians who do and do just fine...but you don`t like them so you call them traitors...and call an innocent person one who helps the foreign invader that`s killing and raping the people of Iraq.

...and you wonder why you aren`t liked....


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