The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Hey Shawn!!!

Hey Shawn!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 7 2004, 20:28:33 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:`re good at these kinds of things...they need a lawyer something fierce...

Muktada Al Sadr

Posted By: Bur Hawil (
Date: Monday, 7 June 2004, at 12:11 p.m.

Shlami for all,

In this article a "Son of Telkif" articulates his reasons for having to sue Muktada Al Ssdr for the crimes committed against Chritians in the South.

...that`s rich...the United States is in the country illegally killing anyone they can catch not liking it...and the guy wants to sue the Iraqi Freedom Fighters...their equivalent of our Minutemen. Who do we sue for the 500,000 dead children...Saddam? He never starved to death any Iraqi children..on the contrary the country was enjoying an excellent standard of living..with no familes living under bridges as you`ll find in the enviable America of today.

My comment: The Chritians are continuing to suffer, there is no hope for better future, and we have no choice but to seek refuge. The odds against us are too great. It is irresponsible for those who are painting a rosy picutre for us to return home, sad as it may be.

...everything you people do in the name of Christianity...which you dress up in Assyrian rags, is irresponible in the extreme. In order to push your agenda you make fools of us all...which you never notice cause you`re used to being scare away the decent, thoughtful ones who don`t relish having their mothers slimed by you heroes from refuse to make a viable or bright presence in the world as Assyrians...convinced that people might let go this assinine dream of a corner Assyria encourage war and retribution against Iraqi Christians in the hopes that this will arouse pity in the all-tender...ever-yielding, mild-mannered West...that just said it was fine and dandy to starve are as irresponsible as as can be.

There isn`t a shameful hole deep enough to hold you boys for what you`ve done TO this heritage..while doing absolutely nothing to benefit it...except shake your butts.


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