The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Hitler and Bush

Hitler and Bush
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 12 2004, 21:30:27 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Hitler sort of hid what he intended to do...spoke more or less indirectly about the need to get rid of Jews...didn`t actually say cook and eat them and make lampsahdes from their skin..those were refinement the Christians came up with later.

But in Bush`s case he came out and said it up front, so no one can ever say, "we never dreamed", though they were spared having to see the results. Bush had Allbright say it was United States POLICY to impose Sanctions even though they all knew the weakest and most innocent would be the hardest hit..and when asked point blank about the resulting 5000 Assyrian children dying a month...she said that was "acceptable".

Even the Nazis weren`t that bold and least they had the decency to know what they were proposing to do was a crime anywhere but among Christians...these days the Christians are EAGER to commit crimes..the more ghastly the better...for they`re following in that Beast`s footsteps..the one who insisted Jesus had to be killed and eaten or no goodies for escape from the world that Dumb Fuck created himself.


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