The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> IF...among all these Yo Yos...

IF...among all these Yo Yos...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 29 2004, 19:01:57 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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..the suryoyos and the turyoyos and the athuryoyos and Chadloyoyos and Assyoyos...if among all these people who all happen to be Christian first...we Assyrian/Assyrians can get no traingle of free speech and get our parents trashed, our posts disappeared and ourselves you REALLY think MUSLIMS are going to give you boys ANYTHING?

You yourselves send the message loud and clear..." Do NOT think you will be allowed the space to say or do things that are UNPLEASANT to us"! And we`re all supposedly from the same stock...while only ONE OF US has built an Assyrian Monument installed anywhere in the world in the last 2500 years..and it is THIS ONE that you throw your hands up in front of and then walls and barriers...calling him and anyone who feels the same way TRAITORS to BetNahrain when YOU are the ones who called down death and destruction because "if you can`t get what YOU want, then let it all be destroyed"!

And you think Iraqis are under a LITMUS TEST of toilet paper obligations and dootees to GIVE you what you can in no way earn yourselves? Really???

...I`ve heard of a "Scorched Earth" policy..but yours has turned into a "Scorched Balls".


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