The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Imagine The Assria

Imagine The Assria
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 3:53:15 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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these guys would rule over...unless something meets their strict definition for what is of interes to can`t exist..and now comes another one...

"It is quite obvious that qasrani and nile are either kurdophiles or kurds themselves since they continue to minimize the Assyrian percentage to less than 10 percent."

I ask you to prove otherwise or refrain from posting such propaganda.

...if you say anything..anything at all that they don`t like or think is have to be "refrained"...and you also have to show proof to such a bunch of nervous nellies who themselves have not an article to show for their claim to land based on their religion...and they want to run a country..administer a region?

Anyone who even toyed with the idea of giving them one would forever have a headache of monumental proportions on their hands...they have to be kidding!


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