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=> Islam is 700 Years Younger Than Christianity

Islam is 700 Years Younger Than Christianity
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 19:31:11 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...would you pit an adult of 20 years against a 13 year old?

Go back 700 years in time and not even the barbarity of the Protestant Reformation not to mention the Restoration and then all the subsequent religious wars in Europe that had father killing son and citizens murdering ways to ugly to relate, had as yet happened. That would be right towards the end of the Dark Ages when European Christianity tried to snuff out all learning, all science, all enquiry, all free and independent thought and killed children left and right to do it too.

The claims and counter claims of all the ethnic idiots who want to go on killing each other and being used against each other by the Western Europeans, are killingn them all...while the Europeans and Americans came to their senses long ago and DECIDED what a nationality would be based on the greatest good of the nation as a whole and NOT catering to the impossible and conflicting DEMAMDSES of people who insist each are the right and only and worthy ones to the land because THEY were first 10,000 years ago or TEN years ago.

The MidEast is being used against itself..against its own interests..and that went on in Europe till people had enough of killing and getting killed in return..for as much as YOU feel entitled to kill the wrong people..those wrong people believe they are the right ones..they believe it because they follow YOUR example..who would kill and disenfranchise them based on YOUR OWN they return the favor, come up with an evaluation of their own..and kill YOU..and then you kill THEM and they kill YOU..meanwhile, as happened in Europe, the crops wither, the wells are fouled, the cities reek of decay and rot...and the children are born bewildered and half insane before they reach the age of puberty.

The only solution it seems is to let the killing go on..maybe even increase it...pit more people against more people...for maybe they`ll reach the conclusion faster that no one ever won any war..not for long.


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