The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> It`s Gone...

It`s Gone...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, June 13 2004, 3:05:32 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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All the "great" promise of only a few short weeks ago...the euphoria of a newspaper article held aloft...a transitional puppet government they argued about "Power" in..replaced by a more permanent puppet government they have a "special" status in. It`s down to a tea with Laura Bush and a last ditch attempt to frighten somebody out of their wits...where they could do nothing else..with horror tales of modern Assyrian WOrriors who are supposed to scare someone or other...and of course the "stragtegy" to ruin it for everyone else which is alwyas what real heroes fall back on..except it`s the first course of action the boys contemplate, having spent a lifetime losing races.

It`s for this..this status they get wet all over of being the "Littlest Ally" of whomever promises to be good to them..when they haven`t a fucking thing to offer anybody except juicy kisses and a willingness to go down on anybody their religion taught them...the one that`s "almost" the same as Ashur anyway!

For this they kept their mouths shut when America killed and raped Christian and Muslim appear loyal so they might get a father allowing his daughter to be raped because it might improve his bottom line...loyal to whom? BetNahrain?..hardly...because Iraq won`t "respect" can see how important respect is to them..and how easily it must be forthcoming and lavished on can see in the way they treat each other with honesty among theives..a highly questionable commodity.

Their loyalties are screamingly clear to Muslims..always have been...THAT`S why they`ve been shown to the door and imprisoned and even hanged...ask what America would do to American born Muslims whose loyalties were to Libya? When Libya attacks and kills Americans?



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