The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Jassim Proposes

Jassim Proposes
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 8 2004, 17:00:06 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...Just what is an "Administrative Region" anyway? I mean not as a temporary arrangement like the Kurds got in the north which was also brought about courtesy of American bombs..but how do you have a self-administered region in a nation? Are the boys whishing for the Millet system they enjoyed in Turkey before the Christians came killing for oil that time around?

It`s a meaningless phrase...that`s how you can bet it`s of vast importance to the boys for whatever is actually in their power to affect, they choose to ignore...rather they run after things they know they`ll never get..chide everyone else for not UNTITTYING with them and then when their shit hits their fan, turn on everyone else, of their own people naturally, and say it was because THEY wouldn`t join them in their harebrained scheme that it didn`t work. That allows them to do their REAL National Work which is to fight each other over a Jew carpenter.

It`s within every Christian Assyrian`s grasp in Chicago to sign one piece of paper and get an Assyrian Monument installed...that`s something they CAN do and only they can do. But there`s no interest in that..instead they want the Kurds to leave Iraq..they want to be president of Iraq, they want a triangle in Iraq and they`d like some land and money in Turkey and Syria as well. Knowing damn well they aren`t going to get any significant number of people behind these absurd "positions" they take them up with determined joy and wishful thinking...knowing at the outset that nothing will come of it and that all the "work" they have to do will consist of making DEMANDSES and giving PROOOVES. That and a diclaration-a-month, if not more often.

Wullah it`s as easy as spit to be "Assyrian".

In Response To: Re: Assyrian Administrative Region (Nineve)

Or you should ask what will be the name of this region ?


...and to prove how lunatic they are...Ashor wants to know first what NAME it`s going to have, this triangle of their heads. If a name is all it takes and seeing as how you all settled for Chaldo-Ashur about "Uruq"?


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