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=> Jassim`s List

Jassim`s List
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 18 2004, 22:48:14 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:`ve heard of "Schindler`s List"? That contained the names of Jews who`d been saved...Jassim`s List has the names of the Christians killed...and they`re adding new names every day...but only those killed by Muslims.

I`ve got a name to add. Kuryakous Rukhtapolitos...a 75 year old Christian in the village of Simele. The man was fading slowly...some unspecified disaes or other. The village doctor said he`d be dead in a year. Then ZOWAA sent it`s crack team of "martyr-makers" and they were able to convince the family that Rukhtapolitos could join the patriotic front for a greater triangle.

That night ZOWAA fighters took the old man to an intersection and waited there in the dark till a Muslim car came along. They tossed old Rukhtapolitos out onto the road just in time for him to be decapitated by the car but he died anyway (that`s the way the email came to me). It`s okay though, he volunteered to help the Cause.

Next the fighters set up a hue and a cry that the Muslims had deliberately run the Christian over because, "that`s just the way they are".

So...Jassim and Aprim et al. Here`s another name to add to your list. In the weeks to come ZOWAA fighters will be visiting the cancer wards at Iraqi hospitals..pediatrics especially...those kids really win hearts and minds. If any of you know of some Christians who could be useful, please let ZOWAA know.

note: for obvious reasons they don`t want you turning in your own family members or business partners..



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