The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> MMore

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, May 30 2004, 19:06:57 (CEST)
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in his new film Farenheit 911 there are scenes that will give Jassim in particular shows an American soldier pulling on an Assyrian Muslim`s errection...that ought to provide Peter with masturbatory delights for some time.

Those are all our people being killed and blinded and fucked and humiliated by America. The idea of brother killing brother over religion is hardly new. Our boys want to pretend you are no longer Irish if you switch religions..that you are all of a sudden a legitimate "enemy"....why can`t Assyrians of differeing faiths kill each other? Americans do Brits and`s more ludicrous to insist that all Assyrians are of one and ONLY one religion...and that isn`t even an Assyrian religion in the first who`s fooling who?

Our Christians have wished death and destruction of their own people..over religion...over a Jew religion no less...which they still claim makes them the ONLY and the REALEST Assyrians anywhere. If you grant that an Assyrian can become a Christian, then you have to concede that some, or even the majority, might prefer Islam...after all, it`s not like they all settled for one form of Christianity what`s the big deal?


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