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=> Message From The Bottom Of A Bottle

Message From The Bottom Of A Bottle
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 26 2004, 1:20:30 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...Jack daniels I`d guess it`s so sticky icky sweet. A boy named Dale wrote this letter to Jesus..who was a Jew. Dale will tell you he more of an Assyrian than Ashurbanipal ever was...because Dale recognizes the true Jewish Messiah..when Ashur never needed one. I`m glad they`re so out in the open at least.

note: print this out and you`ll attract more flies than which it bears an uncanny resemblence.

A message in a bottle.


Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Forum


Written by Dalale on 25 Jun 2004 06:07:00:

Dear long lost home,

When I sit alone thinking and questioning, you always seem to be there in my mind, you trouble maker. You Spring up every once in a while. How do you do that? It's pretty powerful, the connection. Every once in a while. Everyday. Every once in a while. And more then every once in a while. Like every hour for example. During the news, when watching movies, when talking to friends, and even when reading the Bible. Am I living through you or you through me?

Don't think I mind, I don't. Your not boring at all. You have kept me amused for a long time, and I still haven't figured you out.
I could promise you eternity, and it would not be enough to learn about you.

I'll promise what I can, but in secret. I'll keep you a secret, to keep you safe. And i'm not good at keeping secret's, but i'll cross my fingers and hope to die, just for you. You must be special. In secret I will pass on to a chosen few like a chosen few passed on to me. I could never leave you in the past, because you do not only exist in the past, you never died, your name is not etched on a tombstone, you have no grave. You are alive, living and breathing. Believe me you are.

I see little parts of you all over. At conventions, in a few paintings. In the eyes of a few and in the hearts of a fewer.
Not quite enough, I know.

I wonder if you'll ever come back on your own without anyone's hard work. Or some of that pretend hard work, you know what I mean, whatever!

Naturally, the wheels will turn? Maybe, is it all a cycle like recycle?

Your children will surely rejoice on that day. Who know's, they need you but I don't think you need them as much. I don't blame you. Maybe you'll rejoice alone, since a few generations from now no one may understand your language or your particular dialect.
If you ever create new people for yourself make sure to lecture them on the dialect's issue. Make up a few parables on this matter, it's really important from my point of view. In our time, if it was left to us, dialect's would cause world war's.

As for me, I understand you instantly, and if I don't i'll ask a lot of questions.

Hmm, when will natures cycle return to your birthday? My birthday comes every year, your's comes every _ years?
You have to be here for a real birthday, no birthday child, no birthday!

You cant always be so far, and out of reach, a memory, a treasure of the past. What are your plans? What is this, you play hard to get? Quite a long vacation! Your going to get a sun burn. You need to get back and take care of business. If I didn't care I wouldn't be telling you this, i'm looking out for your own good!

Yes it's traumatic to loose so much so fast, but we all know it's not lost forever, and it's not all lost, it's just not all documented. What happened anyway? I want details. I heard a story that the four corners were once under your control, is it true, or mythology? Did you know they try to pass a lot of what you are as mythology? I know, I know, you don't care what they think. We unfortunately have to listen to their crap and we can't help but defend you. Our language is called Semitic because of that guy Shem, do u know him? How is Ham by the way? Tell Japheth I said hello!

Kings and Queens danced on your soil. I've never met a queen. Lapis Lazuli? Nice jewelry, honest! Can I have a pair of earrings made the old fashioned way? Just kidding, i'm not into jewels these days. Were they truly Kings and Queens though? Did they suit the role? Or were those just tittles for "leaders", dolls, crowns passed on by birthright, from one generation to another?
Did they take poses and make statements larger then life itself? Where was the crown? Proudly sitting on their heads, within their Royal minds, in their Royal hearts, or somewhere else? I'm sure it wasn't (d). These day's i'm not to sure.

All the shining stars have a place in the heavens. All the flowers also have a place on the Earth's soil. Every kind has it's season. When is your season? I really do want you to be part of my tomorrow. I want to walk with you, and more importantly I want you to walk with me. Pluck a white flower for me, from your soil, our soil, without any guilt, and i'll put it in a vase. I hear aspirin keeps them alive longer, i'm not kidding! Our own flowers, in our own home from Utu's seeds of long ago. I think he planted that one just for me, in my name, and this one in your name. He must have known this would happen one day. That we would be lost and searching for ourselves.

What else could I tell you that I haven't told? You are my only happiness, yet you also are the root of my sorrow.
Your part of all I am, and I can see you through myself. When I am not near you i'm a tragic sight. A bird taken out of it's nest. Helpless, to love a memory so old, thousand's of years. Memories fade, and i've never even seen you, it's not like a video tape, you cant play it over and over. If you were on DVD I wouldn't be so mad.

I reach and reach, and your not there. Even with a plain I could not reach you, not a boat, not a train, not a car, not even a rocket. Your boarders are non existing to them, you don't even have a mailing address. Who do they think they are, those who draw up countries.

Only we insist that you have survived all the storms. And many think we are crazy. And we are crazy. We are crazy about you!

Can't a few of the wise bring you back with their own hands. The rich don't seem to be bringing you back, so all we have is the wise.
Let's strike a deal, we know you have many secrets. Why don't you want to come back yet, tell us your plans, we are so curious.

If I gave my life to being a gardener in your fields, would the fields bloom in your name? I'm the gardener, and the fields are my children, so I can name them, and if they try to stop me i'll still name them. Thank God people can't read mind's. I can name the fields anything I want!

If I gave up the breath which keeps me, would you still just be a dream? I want to be a dream, and you be the dreamer. You be real and exist, and i'll float around, existing in emptiness. You should be here rather then I, it would be fair. It would make more sense, my life for yours. I know it's not a lot, not even nearly enough, but I can only offer mine. everyone else makes their own choice. Think about it. If one fine day you decide to take me up on this offer, I ask but one thing.

Dream of me a little while, every once in a while, so I am not completely gone, and I will have lived through you.



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