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=> Muslims Build...Asstians Write

Muslims Build...Asstians Write
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 2 2004, 18:24:59 (CEST)
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Website title:

fromm aina, where every crack has a pot to piss in...

Letter writing campaign to Iraqi Ministers

Posted By: Nile (
Date: Wednesday, 2 June 2004, at 10:40 a.m.

What do you guys think about a Chaldo-Assyrian lobby group in Iraq to pressure the Iraqi gov and a grassroots Iraqi letter writing campaign to Iraqi Ministers of Education, Culture, Housing, and Justice with regard to Assyrian confiscated villages and cultural/educational rights?

...I think it`s a great idea. I`m going to suggest to the Muslims of Afghanistan that they initiate a letter writting campaign to American officals asking that more mosques be built in New York. Great idea. Also I think it wouldn`t hurt the Apache and Navajo people to write to the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Congress about their indigenous rights to New Mexico, Arizona and Texas...what a great idea!


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