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Posted by Tony (Guest) - Monday, May 31 2004, 9:07:33 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Stanford University to open Beijing branch

Stanford University is to open its first Asian branch in Beijing
this September, according to an agreement it signed with China's Beijing
University Wednesday.

Under the agreement, Stanford students will be sent to study inBeijing
University this autumn, taught by professors from the two universities.

Beijing University started exchange programs with Stanford University since
1994, with American students coming to learn the Chinese language.

Prof. John L. Hennessy, president of Stanford University, said the
university had sent students to study abroad for more than 30 years, and
instead of European countries, more and more students preferred to further
their studies in Asia.

Source: Xinhua

Copyright by People's Daily Online, all rights reserved


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