On Unity |
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- Monday, June 7 2004, 21:52:00 (CEST) from - customer-148-233-93-16.uninet-ide.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Our boys are primitive boys...they are villagers for the most part where their main source of education was the village church that doubled as a madrassah turning out Christian fanatics convinced thet they somehow are the sole pure, real, true, exact copies of the Assyrians of old. Can you imagine the mind-fuck that has to take place for these louts to believe that??? Understanding this...and also how precarious is their hold on this idea that THEY are the descendants of the Assyrians and NO ONE ELSE...you can see where they get their deifinition of "Unity" from...that`s right..the same damn priests who also tell them the rest of the children in the world are going to hell because they too aren`t "pure"...while theirs will be saved because they are "real". You can see where this penchant for seeing the world as either or...or mine against yours...or the real against the false...comes from. In most modern countries you have various points of view represented as well as religions...but all consider themselves part of one nation, united. To civilized people, not raised on hair sandwiches, to be united doesn`t mean you all have to be or believe the same things. Americans come in all flavors as do the Brits, French and English..to name a few. In fact DeGaulle once lamented that it was a great challenege to rule a country that had over 300 different kinds of cheese. It`s al one country, one nation and in every meaningful way, when push comes to shove, the French are "united"...but they allow, indeed they relish...more than one kind of cheese. Not the boys. This is the reason they can`t unite ever and instead go in the opposite direction..because to get at where their definition has led them, they`ve had to cast off this one and that one..this idea and that idea...they`ve had to turn their neighbors into traitors and enemies and that`s made them paranoid and half-insane...which doesn`t allow them to ever rest for as they become more rarified, more purebred in their lunacy, that much more easily do they fly off the handle at some new or imagined variation in "ideology", which causes them to splinter off and re-splinter and splinter some more..each "group" trying to find exact carbon copies of its members to "unite" with..and of course, finding less and less. Like most of their "agenda" it is a hopeless fraud perpetuated on a decreasing number of jackasses...till all that`s left in Assyria are jackasses...each of them yellling for UNITY and each of them kicking out anyone who difers ever so slightly. Let them see if they can unify their forums into one before they howl for National Unity. --------------------- |
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