Our God Ashur |
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- Friday, June 4 2004, 16:33:57 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
No one forced him on us...he was of our own people..of our own making...a guiding light we lit in the sky to shine down on us under whose brilliance we were able to create half of civilization. Can there be any doubt in anyone`s mind that the Roman Empire imposed Christianity on those whom it conquered? There is no miracle or mystery to the fact that wherever the Roman Army marched...there Christianity took root and grew. It did so because the Romans killed all dissidents, all hold-outs..it killed the priests and worship in those countries. It rewarded the sell-outs and you can see them still among us. The Church has turned this butchery into a miracle by teaching its children that one or two barefoot mendicant friars visited each country and Lo and Behold, the people dumped their own cultures for the Roman church. Back when there were no independent reports available the church could shape events any way it wanted to and the emperor too was keen to have this version spread about and believed..it was the only thing you COULD believe or they`d hang you, burn you and eat you...for denying the love of the "Prince of Peace". It is such a farcical scam and shows clearly why we`re in Iraq..because Christians go on killing and killing in the name of their god...you can see now the missionaries have arrived in Iraq...that`s the way it always worked...from Africa to Mexico to BetNahrain..the conquering armies killed the opposition, "softened" the people up...which left a lot of orphans to be "raised" by the tender hearted church...and it raped all the women it could lay its pricks on...who would also be raised to praise the rapists and thank them. That`s why there`s an "inexplicable" hypocrasy at the core of Christian belief..because it isn`t native or natural to the people it was brutally imposed upon...and if you go through life singing the praises of those who raped your mother to beget you and killed your father...there is something not quite "right" at your core. There is no puzzle as to why the church is filled with lying hypocrites or why people show no real interest in church and the rest of it and why the numbers are declining steadily the less attendance is socially mandated and imposed. Because the Christion religion didn`t really win the heats and minds of people..it was never native to their history and growth, it had nothing to do with the core of who those people were. It just became a "behavior" and it`s rituals a sort of mindless ecstasy. This is especially true when it blasted an advanced culture such as we had developed in BetNahrain...there the damage done to the people forced to convert to soemthing so fucking alien to them was truly catastrophic. And I don`t mean convert to kindnes and decency...which we had plenty of..I mean the notion that you sacrifice an innocent human bean, eat and drink him and that will get you an eternal reward. It is a religion of blood and guts and benefitting from the murder of innocents. That`s one reason the born again movement is having a flurry of activity..also the reason they`re so fucking crazy, irrational and even more bloody..it`s a last gasp..a last hurrah..an effort to FORCE the issue...to DECLARE over and over again..as if by mere repitiion you can make it stick this time..it won`t stick..the born agains are the most hollow and shallow of them all. ALL their "faith" is on their tongues while their hearts are as empty as their heads.. To the Jews this religion had meaning...not the Christ part but the rest of that bloody book..because it was OF them and came FROM them and THROUGH them. And, had the Church fathers not wanted to keep Jews around to torture the people periodically as an object lesson to show what happens to you if you "deny Christ"...they could have wiped them out completely too..as the Byzantine emperor and others...right up to Hitler, tried to do periodically. In the same way, the religion of Ashur was OURS..it came to life as we did..it grew as we did...it developed and became refined as we did...and unless you believe the bible...you see just how refined and civilized we were...so too was our god. You have only to look at how bloody this Yahwe has been..in his own words and deeds, to understand why his people are so damn bloody and violent...why they think in terms of killing people in order to save them...why they make wars on children...why they "sacrifice" their own children. Ashur was ours...he was us. Christ..no matter how nice a fella he may have been..was imposed on us at the end of a sword...and our refusal to accept that simple and basic and well proven fact...in all the instances we have before us that show just how people were "brought" to Jesus...our refusal to see that has meant that we continue to be lost, a million miles away from any Assyrian Heritage...and we are. Surely that`s clear if nothing else is. --------------------- |
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