The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

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Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 2 2004, 18:30:45 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

You might wonder why all these calls to ACTION get nowhere...I mean in terms of motivating anyone...even those most adamant about what the world owes`s because in their hearts none of them believe this "we are Assyrians because we are Christians" crap. They are Christian denominations and battling sects whose only real interest in life is cozying up the closest to Yahwe...which they can do from outside of Iraq a lot easier...which is where you`ll find all these "nationalists"...safely out of a country they`re usrging others to stay in...while they "struggle" to get as many of them sent to their maker as possible. This is their National Work..all of it Christian work..all of it intended to get a Christian enclave where they can be Christian IN BetNahrain...but Assyrian nowhere.


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