The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: A Nation of Spit and Baling Wire

Re: A Nation of Spit and Baling Wire
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 2 2004, 21:32:21 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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...does it strike the boys as odd at all that the one they don`t consider an Assyrian because he isn`t a also the one not asking for a country...but instead is trying to build a presence where we can be strong as we`d like to..where nothing stands in our way except the usual moderators and hysterians from hell...while they seek for the impossible where they are the weakest and farthest from...what about an Assyrian monument,,,not a Christian one, in the second major city of the most powerful nation on earth? One that has been paid for by Assyrians and was blocked from installation by ONE Asstian old fart? If we haven`t the gumption to override a single veto of our own...while a city such as Chicago waits for us...what the hell kind of Assyrians are we anyway?

No? Then what the hell do you expect to accomplish by "crying" in Itaq?


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