The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Assyrians Win Battle of Najaf!

Re: Assyrians Win Battle of Najaf!
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Friday, August 27 2004, 0:28:25 (CEST)
from Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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The Shiite are magnificent. I can see the passion and courage of our ancient Babylonian ancestors within them. Their golden modque of Imam Ali bears a striking similarity to the ancient Ishtar gate of Babylon.

The taziya, the passion play in which the events of Husayn's death are actually reenacted by the participants, is another important event. The processions are perhaps the most public of the Muharram ceremonies and, with their conspicuous self-flagellation, are perhaps the most immediately noticeable to foreign observers. These range from simple marches to elaborate pageants, complete with characters from the taziya, groups singing dirges and laments. This is of course very similar to the way that our ancient Babylonian ancestors would celebrate the death of our God Tammuz as he descended to the netherworld.

Meanwhile our lions in Fallujah anf descendants from the ancient Assyrian heartland have yet to be conquered by the greatest military machine in human history.

Sistani is a true leader of our people. He shames us as Mar Dinkha hasn't even said hallallujah since the latest war began and since 5% of his people have fled and 611 have been killed.

Then over in Rome we have the Pope who refused to go to Iraq before the start of this latest war knowing full well that he was probablythe only one who could have stopped this war by simply taking a trip to Baghdad and protecting his flock. Instead he played the part of Pope Pius and accepted a medal of honour from that son o a Bush.

Our leaders have betrayed us while Christian fundamentalists like Ken Joseph shows us a real life fulfilment of Psalm 137:8-9 and eats Iraqi ice cream.


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