The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Commies = Cuba =... more honest than Bush?

Re: Commies = Cuba =... more honest than Bush?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 20:14:34 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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JEEZUS! It`s King George The First Bush, fighting the Colonies all over again. They`re afraid to let people see what Cuba has achieved even under all the illegal provocations and sanctions placed against it...and all for that passle of "ex-patriots" who fund the Bushes with drug money in Florida.

What a bright spot Cuba presents in a corportae world gone mad. And they want Castro to be more "open"! THESE they can freely fund the same sorts of CIA operatives they did everywhere in the world, using millions of our dollars to set up "Cuban Dencocracy and Freedom Parties"...who could then buy the kind of creeps Bush found in Iraq..including Kanna, to do corporate bidding...which is all the White House has become..the head office of American conglomerates..we the people are nowhere to be good children we`re to be seen...not to speak.


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