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=> Re: Common Criminal

Re: Common Criminal
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, September 8 2004, 4:18:18 (CEST)
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Shushan wrote:
>he may have been executed like a common criminal and those taht executed him were the real common criminals,

..not in that time and place..they were "MY COUNTRY" of those people and as much as you feel loyalty to YOUR country..did they feel for theirs..and they had to maintain Law and wasn`t the first time someone claiming to be THE Messiah had caused disruption..the Macabees were in the wings..there was constant unrest and LAWLESSNESS and undoubtedly robust Roman matrons such as you were outraged that anyone would defy or cause trouble or be disloyal to THEIR MY COUNTRY.

Jesus broke the Law..he said there was another God..odd that he should be killed for that..that was clearly against the Roman were attacking the State, its authrity AND the person of the Emperor...Ghandi was sent to jail too..and there are prisoners of conscience and color in America RIGHT NOW!

but jesus did not die like a common criminal,

..the cross was the electric chair of its was the hangman`s ignoble a death as could be...he did indeed DIE in the same manner as a common criminal..there were two more executed the same way the same day...Roman lands were doted with bodies rotting on was as common as common could be.

he died as he lived and practiced what he preached and forgave and never smited and never hated his tormentors and loved his enemies and prayed for them until the end. can believe what a handful of Jews in a slum in Alexandria told each other..go ahead. I`m willing to believe that HE believed what he believed to the end...the rest of it is self-serving propaganda that I don`t need to admire him..but I`m not praying to ANY carpenter because five out of work Jews tell me to.

.. now i know i could not do that so i know that is some form of divinity...

..lots and lots of people have done exactly`s more common than the church wants you to fact the Church KILLED enough people who forgave it too.

and the only thing that haunts me is that some of his last words were eloi eloi lama sabacthani... god god why have thou forsaken me... if jesus felt his god forsook him then one, what hope is there for any of us who are not nearly as perfectly good and kind and forgiving, and two, if he is god as the christianity i grew up in says, why is he calling to God and asking why he was forsaken... did God give up on all of us that day??? the world sure looks that way.

..this is a deep question you should put to the Easter Bunny this year...or if you happen to catch a Tooth Fairy, run it by him. I don`t know such answers.


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